Friday, February 8, 2008

Maybe I am nesting & the power of Jello

The day before yesterday was spent cleaning - not the scrubbing kind, the organizing and making space kind. I actually tackled our bedroom - it's just a disaster area usually, since that's where anything that doesn't have a "home" gets stashed away. But I actually cleaned out enough of it that I can fit the baby's bassinet next to my side of the bed! Believe me - this is quite an accomplishment.

Not only that, but I finished packing my Hospital "go" bag, vacuumed all the floors, and today I did all the dishes - all of them, the pans, too.

Now you may be wondering about the Jello - well, we are having hot dogs for dinner, and for some reason Danielle will NOT eat hers. This is something she just started about a month ago - she used to devour hot dogs. She's always been my non-picky eater. Oh well, that's a 3 yr old for you. But tonight we're having Jello for dessert and she picked out the flavor. So every once in while I just have to turn around and say "Danielle, do you want to eat your Jello tonight? You have to eat your hot dog." And this brings on the response of "Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok...." So you think this would mean that she gets it, but in a minute I'll have to turn around again and the process will start over for the 15th time. But the hot dog is almost gone and I'm about ready to break out the Jello!

Well, that's about it for now. I've been thinking that I may be taking a trip to the hospital this evening - I've had strong contractions all day, but really irregular. But now they seem to be subsiding. Good news for Cameron, who is determined to keep that child in my tummy as long as he can, but I was really looking forward to sleeping, at least comfortably, if not for long periods of time, in the very near future.
Maybe I'll still go in tonight - its only 7:30pm here.

Until further notice - 11 days and counting!


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Waiting to hear. Waiting. Waiting. Just like you. Waiting.

I hope you have given Cameron your password so he can post the news and pictures.

Teri said...

So excited for you! Can't wait to hear. It completely takes me off guard to think that Danielle is 3 years old. I still remember when we were doing scouts together and she was still tiny!

Hope you're enjoying the new baby soon!