Thursday, January 10, 2008

I should be doing the dishes...

Really, every dish in the house is in the sink waiting for me to come scrub it clean. And I really should do this before lunch as the kids have been eating their sandwiches on paper towels the lst couple of days. I will be so glad when they go back to school next week and eat breakfast and lunch there - they are eating me out of house and home (not to mention the extra dishes)! Seriously we have been going through 2 king size loafs of bread a week, usually I have to freeze one loaf so it won't get moldy before we need it. And I'm sure the kids are sick of pb&j everyday, even if they don't always like what they are serving at school.

Oh, and the bathroom floor really needs to be mopped - but I can't find the mop. Actually it's a Swifer, but I haven't been able to locate the handle part in quite some time. The last time I remember using it was in October with my dear Father-in-law scrubbed my floors and I used it to "rinse" them after. Not to worry - I have cleaned my floors since then, I've just used the Swifer pads and my arm. But I really don't feel like bending over and doing that today, not that I really could bend over that far if I wanted to. Even if I managed to do it physically, this baby would let me have it (probably right in the kidney) as she does not like to be squished, moved, shifted, patted, etc... from any external source - she reminds me of our current diva, Danielle, already, and she still has 6 weeks left in the oven.
Now what what I talking about - of the bathroom floor, maybe I'll bribe the kids to do it - I still have Halloween candy stashed in the freezer. They'll probably think it's fun anyway. Why didn't I think of that sooner - the rugs have been hanging out on my porch "drying" since I washed them on Monday.

Well, the kids are actually playing nicely and I should do something (more) productive while I'm not immediately needed for mediation/intervention. And I'll go find a good country CD to blast while I'm washing dishes - that always helps, and there no country radio stations here. Not that I mind Hawaiian music at all - in fact I enjoy most of the local stations, but they just are good songs to clean to.


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

I have wiped up floors for years by spraying them with cleaners, putting a paper towel down and wiping with my shoe. I don't have a passenger as an excuse, either.

The Peterson Family said...

If only I wore shoes.....
I may have to do that, especially since I had the kids "help" wash the car instead of the bathroom floor today. But I did get the dishes done!

Ami said...

I posted the recipe! Today during church I kept thinking about Hawaii becasue there is some snow storm blowing in:(