Some (or most) of you may have received the following info via an email from Cameron, but I thought I would post it here, too. The whole day was pretty anti-climatic.....
"As many of you know there was an 8.8 earthquake off the coast of Chile. 50 years ago there was a 9.5 earthquake within about 100 miles of the same place and it caused a tsunami that killed 61 people in Hawaii and many more other places.
For whatever reason (and I'm sure there are several factors) this Tsunami has been pretty much a "bust". It has been very small and has done little or no damage to any of the Hawaiian Islands and no deaths (or even injuries from what I know so far).
There were much better warnings in place this time and we got prepared with lots of extra water, packed up backpacks in case we needed to evacuate and moved our car to higher ground.
Everyone here is safe and fine. Looks like it going to be another beautiful day here with temperatures around 80 degrees.
Lastly I got a new phone recently because I lost my old one and I ended up having to get a new phone number. Those of you who would like to know my new cell phone number please e-mail us and we'll send it to you.
Lisa "graduates" in April with her Elementary Education degree but doesn't actually finish her student teaching till the end of the kids school year which is in May. We will stay where we are until June 5th and then we probably will move to an off campus apartment until we can figure out if we will be actually able to start the North Shore Elementary Charter School that we wish to do.
o.k. I'm sure I've already written way more than most of you want to know so for now.....
The Hawaii Petersons"
So there you have it. (Thanks babe for having it all written out for me to copy over!) Hope that all of you are doing well, and that you fellow locals weren't too bored out of your gourd today - thank goodness for computer games and TV/movies or we all would have gone crazy. Luckily we didn't have to evacuate as we are in an upstairs apartment and the state deemed the evacuation today a "vertical" one, not "horizontal". However the kids were getting a little stir crazy since I wouldn't let them outside and they had to wear their socks and sneakers ALL day in case we had to leave the house - Trust me, that's not a fun task when they are used to running around in slippers (flip-flops for all you mainlanders) or bare feet all day.
Well, finally off to bed - today's fun began at 4 this morning!