I haven't been on top of my blogging lately, but man, have we got things going on. The biggest of which was moving day - or days, as the case may be - it only took 6! We made the trek all the way to the building behind us (about 50ft behind us) and are still settling into a bigger apartment. While it is nice that we didn't have to rent a U-Haul (or pack up a shipping crate), ultimately I think this move took much longer and was much more painful because of the short, short distance. Cameron did set up a cool pulley system between the windows of the old and new units that got lots of use - and the kids all loved it. Mostly I'm just glad that it's over and done with - well the actual moving part - now it's just as if all our belongs imploded all over the house. And it can take days to find something specific in the chaotic storage space that is our new loft.
I can't believe that I haven't even gotten up a Fourth of July picture! It seems so long ago. We didn't do a whole lot, but we did go see some fireworks at Turtle Bay Resort. I meant to get a family picture, but somehow that elluded me, but heres a cute one of the kids:

Oh and how could I forget the biggest news of all?

This was taken the morning after, when he was showing off his spoils from the Toothfairy. It's amazing how excited a 5 yr old can get over 2 quartes in an envelope!
And since I've totally been neglecting my blogging duties (Well, I do have a research paper to write!) I'm going to leave you with two special treats. First an all new installment of totally useless trivia. And second, because I know you're all sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for my next post I'll also leave you with a list of possible future topics of discussion.
Totally Useless Trivia about Lisa:
I'm positive that me breaking my right arm 4 years ago was just part of the Lord's way to prepare me for my life today. Because of my job at the time (working the reservation desk at Inn on the Creek in Midway, Utah) I became very adept at typing with only one hand and my left one at that - the right one was in a cast FOREVER (ok, really only like 5 weeks, but it felt like forever). But the point is that I can still do it rather well, and rather quickly, to this day. See, just preparation for typing research papers while trying to sooth a teething baby! And who says Heavenly Father doesn't have a sense of Humor?
And Posts that soon may come to be:
A woman's got to have her Chocolate - and Strawberry Kiwi, too!
Round and Round we go and the down side to losing weight
Living in a Distopic Society
Back to School Already
Quiet and Peace
I can't believe that I haven't even gotten up a Fourth of July picture! It seems so long ago. We didn't do a whole lot, but we did go see some fireworks at Turtle Bay Resort. I meant to get a family picture, but somehow that elluded me, but heres a cute one of the kids:

Oh and how could I forget the biggest news of all?

This was taken the morning after, when he was showing off his spoils from the Toothfairy. It's amazing how excited a 5 yr old can get over 2 quartes in an envelope!
And since I've totally been neglecting my blogging duties (Well, I do have a research paper to write!) I'm going to leave you with two special treats. First an all new installment of totally useless trivia. And second, because I know you're all sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for my next post I'll also leave you with a list of possible future topics of discussion.
Totally Useless Trivia about Lisa:
I'm positive that me breaking my right arm 4 years ago was just part of the Lord's way to prepare me for my life today. Because of my job at the time (working the reservation desk at Inn on the Creek in Midway, Utah) I became very adept at typing with only one hand and my left one at that - the right one was in a cast FOREVER (ok, really only like 5 weeks, but it felt like forever). But the point is that I can still do it rather well, and rather quickly, to this day. See, just preparation for typing research papers while trying to sooth a teething baby! And who says Heavenly Father doesn't have a sense of Humor?
And Posts that soon may come to be:
A woman's got to have her Chocolate - and Strawberry Kiwi, too!
Round and Round we go and the down side to losing weight
Living in a Distopic Society
Back to School Already
Quiet and Peace
I know you all just can't wait to hear all the details so I promise to try and post real soon - and my research paper is due next week, so I won't have that excuse any more :)